What is your little one’s name?
Tell me and watch the magic happen!
It is not what you do for your child, but what you have taught them to do for themselves, that will make them successful human beings.
-Ann Landers
When we think about our child’s learning and development, we are often overly focused on academic achievements: do they recognize their numbers? Can they recite their ABCs?
But what about practical life skills?
Practical life skills are the activities of everyday life. They can be as simple as washing their hands and can get as complicated as cooking a meal. They foster the independence, confidence and self-discipline they need for success throughout their lives.
It is never too early to start teaching your child these skills – they are applicable for all ages, including babies – and vary depending on what your child can do at his stage of development.
Here are some of our favorite activities by age group:
12-18 Months
18-36 Months
3-5 Years